Get Clean Clear Water At Every Point of Water Use
Why only drinking water be clean?
We need clean water for every use
Pioneer Features of Balson Hydrotech
Filter Housings made from PET, a highly recyclable plastic, manufactured with a proprietary technology saving up to 60% of energy in injection moldings compared with standard plastics. Moreover it's 100% food grade and bacteria resistant
SEDNITE Cartridges made with a special poly material manufactured with a proprietary ASI technology to protect pipes & fixtures and water using home appliances from ca+ and mg+ scaling.
ACNITE Cartrdiges are made with 100% coconut shell carbon
Non Electrical
Balson filters works on a simple gravitional force mechanism and thus does not require any electricity to function, the water flows through the filter and gives you clean and clear water without any extra power cost.
No Water Wastage
Balson filters do not waste any water unlike the other traditional salt based softeners or reverse osmosis systems thus contributing to a global initiative of saving water. Non stop clean water without any worries.